and awoke the Beast .... already seen come from a few months ago but which we know and what we imagined
since well before ... This is the story of a "
macarrilla " I had a dream and that dream as it could be otherwise has become reality.
On this day six years ago received a call on my cell phone, a person who is pointed to our board and we did not know of anything since it did not scale, I just wanted the money he had set months ago, I told my naive it was impossible to return the money because it was sunk and then stayed in the room for it see. As you enter
vi I regretted not giving pasta, because the paint had
scares me just to see far, but nothing is further from reality, because anyone who knows him will know
it a beautiful person even with that dot
chunguete .
A root
began that day
an unbeatable
relationship, both personally and in sports. We climbed together on several occasions
and then we saw ways, both physically and mentally
is unconscious is a bit
"..., always ready for anything, but letting
teaching and counseling with humility. And occasionally also
get fooled for a in cod
je je je .
By now I imagine everyone will know
who it is, yeah, none other than our "
HUBER " or Carlos as
whichever you prefer, that last Sunday he
Gratal put the red dot to a dream, put the red dot "Pasu
Malu" 8a, which becomes the first in a list who knows which will be his last.
All these years of workouts, injuries, sufferings and joys
have paid off and you do not
will last, our most sincere congratulations and look forward to many more cakes to eat yours!! Dani
and Sil
PD: As dreaming is free, what do you say the word
Newton? Towards