Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How Many Combinations With 28 Teams

ROUTE THE Saur, 25-Apr-2010

as you know on Sunday April 25th, we celebrate the Third route the saure, Aracena - Rosal de la Frontera, this year with record participants A total of 30 club members and friends, but we remember a lot of friends who could not come for various reasons, I hope that future editions may come.
with a mechanical failure and a puncture, we cover the 74 km of the route, arriving at 18:00 to Rosal, after a good meal in Aroche, bar the Lajitas.
would like to especially thank Manolo Vega help and patience for their good work in the always heavy work car driver support.
if you want to see where we click here
you put the video and some pictures. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Will Ice Cream Help Heartburn


on Sunday April 18 held the 1st route MTB Jabugo, about 45 participants, many of did not attend those noted by the rainfall over the weekend and seemed to fall during the course of it.
those who attended were lucky enough to spend through the beautiful paths chosen by the organization, we went from Jabugo, passed by Los Romeros, The Repilado, La Nava, Galaroza where we stopped a good storm and forced us to return as soon as possible Jabugo.
after a refreshing shower, food, a wonderful stew to regain strength.
Jabugo thank the City Council and our friends and cycling club Jabugo The Reventón, the effort to push this beautiful route despite the difficulties the water this weekend have created.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cover Letter Examples For Pet Shop

1st-Sierra Aracena Tentudía

today April 17, 2010 and thanks to the collaboration of three friends, Jose Angel, Francis and Daniel, I fulfilled a dream of several years, making the path to the monastery of Tentudía Aracena in one day , 102 km of roads and highways. the day the truth is not accompanied, on yellow alert weather, lots of water at some point in the route and muddy, for this reason we had to do some stretch of road more than expected, 47% of the journey was by road and 53% by rail.
augend about 5000 kcal, 2338 meters and a cumulative positive gap of 151 PPI.

this link is so you can see how the tour we did:

my gratitude to the friends who accompanied me and who were awaiting us if we had trouble getting for us, Sebastian, Pepe and Santi.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Philips Freevent Mt1700 Drivers


On Sunday April 11, 2010, we participated in the 5th edition of the route of 4 miles in Cabeza la Vaca, a route of 55 km through the mountains of Tentudía, a PPI of 145 and almost 2000 meters of altitude accumulated. Thanks to the port cycling club friends wolf for its magnificent organization of the event which brought together some 160 participants. The following video is a small sample of which was the day.