Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Describe Stages Of Germination

Better late than never .... Margalef

After a season without motivation, Taus, Aran and I, we make a visit to St. Martin with the objective of completing one of the first tracks of the sector, the way that equip Taus began in 2002 that he finally is now complete. All natural and without any reinforcement, insurance, will become sector in a classic because of its beauty, it is as 7c or 7c +, he received his first String key because I had a wet edge, the name "The Nature Way", here are a picture on the road.
That same day also were with Pableros and Daniel carried "Linear Regression" 8a / a +, and PEDRET that long ago that he saw and always encouraged me a lot with him, is being seen " Lesionator "7c, nothing better when you are unmotivated to spend a perfect day of climbing with all these fans, thank you!

And San Martin, Valladolid the first test of the crown of Spain, with the team Astur-hand a little depleted and low key in their lineup, Pableros, Mery and Tinon (the latter to us to become organizer je je je) by Astures and by Arthur Maños, Taus and Bobby could not come, but hey, those who were trying to save the ballot, Daniel did a great stringing the qualifying competition and falling high in the final, a cross between a bided (that's not was digger eh Danielo!) thereby achieving the 7 th position, more discreet were the other performances, I stayed to tape the top in 15 th position, Nachete the assembly from the roof falling on the rope in his hand and Aran stayed fairly well to two dams of Nacho.
The winners were:
-1 º - Ramonet and Daila
-2 º and -3 º
Helena-Victor Esteller and Anaud Ansade

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where Can I Sell Blood In Minneapolis


Last weekend, 8-9 May 2010, six club members were on a cycling trip through the lagoons of these lakes Coldstream tables. I put some photos so you can see a summary of what is found, all gifts to the eye. As I spend more photographs, I'll post.