Friday, May 29, 2009

Chinese Curry Chicken Calories

siiiiiiiii!! mission accomplished! Cave

Photo: O Draconian Devil

After three weeks and just before the extreme heat it invades Aragon plated yesterday's meeting "Super Nowa" 9a route consisting three parts, the first two appointed by Beto and Citro and the third team makes a year old by a server.

A path that is in Vadiello, most notably in the sector, "the cave", arguably the definition of resistance to an end plate of micro-rules, brutal feelings plated chain!

The first linker was Daniel who suggested the 9th, then Danilo Argentina's repeated confirming the degree and I think like them, curious play on words for the three chains: Daniel, Danilo and take Supernowa Dani!

thank all the colleagues with whom I have tin hand in hand this month leaving the bud, Miguel, Citro, Manu, Seta, my father, etc .... and of course the one I hold on!!

In the same sector and Javi authority (Seta) mentions "The Caveat 8a +" throwing of the REU to notice the flight lol, and Manu gives a good stick to "Nowa" must be attentive to the future chaining. Citro
meanwhile travels Oliana to sign "brownish 8b +" the bastard always points!


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