Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rock Band Drum Kit Usb Dongle

2nd cycle route Corteconcepción

Today 19/09/2010 was held the second Corteconcepción cycle route. actually organized the 1 st level registration of bikers from out of town. A success of participation and organization. Over 100 registered to cover the nearly 45 miles that the organization was prepared by the area of \u200b\u200bthe string of Huerva.
well signposted well in medical and power support, either organization in the road sections with the support of the civil guard.
In our blog we want to congratulate and thank the special interest has Jose Francisco Martinez Bernal, authentic engine the route and of course to congratulate the winners in the free section of 15 km to the organization we had prepared as the culmination of the route.

  1. .................. 37'19''SEQUEL
  2. ..................
  3. JAIME RODRIGUEZ 39'57''
  4. .....
  5. ......... DANIEL GONZALEZ AX 40'21''
  6. ................. JORDI MARTINEZ 42'18''
  7. .........
  8. ............................. 42'20 MOYA MANUEL RAFAEL
  9. ''Cobain ...................... 44'14''
  10. GAVILAN JOSE ANGEL ............ 46'40''
  11. ..... DAVID ROMERO
  12. ............................ 46'42''DOMINGUEZ MIGUEL
  13. .......... ........ 46'44''VICTOR GUZMAN
  14. .......................... 46'50'' ...................... 46'56''RAFAEL GONZALEZ FRANCISCO MARTINEZ
  15. ............... 48 ' 13''
  16. ..................... 49'25''ALBERTO MORALES VICENTE
  17. HPLC ............. ................. 49'37''
  19. ........................ 49'44''
I leave some photos and a video memory. I personally put my 5 º 42'20''in the free section makes me very fatisfecho and hope to continue improving this season. Thanks for all the congratulations received from friends who are many. If you click here you can see what was the path and through which we passed in real time and the speeds at which we were.


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